Susan Hobbs Indianapolis, IN

I met Cindy several years ago at a Greyhound fund raiser. I had Manny, one of my Greyhounds, with me, and thought it’d be fun to let him “talk” to a “communicator.” Quite honestly, I didn’t take this too seriously . . . until Cindy started giving me information that she had absolutely no way of knowing. Things such as the color and placement of my hound’s favorite couch, an explanation for a large scar on his hip, and a problem we’d had with a large black dog during a walk the night before. The more Cindy communicated with Manny, the more I realized that she was the real deal!! Since that first meeting, Cindy has talked with my animals in good times and bad, helping me find solutions to behavioral- and health-related issues. She has also been a great comfort to my animals and me when it’s time to let them go. I have recommended Cindy and Terri both to many animal lovers, and no one has been disappointed by their incredible abilities. As long as I live with dogs and cats, Cindy and Terri will continue to be tremendous resources for helping my “kids” live better, fuller lives!
Colleen Mangeot
In the spring, we had a infestation of ants in our kitchen. The traps and other simple methods we used were not working at all. Terri helped us rid our house of our ants in one 30 minute session, without the use of chemicals. It was better for everyone and cheaper than calling an exterminator!
A year later, we suddenly had a TON of ants all over our den one Saturday afternoon. We called Terri and were lucky enough to get an appointment right away. The ants were on the move because the power company had cut some trees in our front yard and the vibrations disturbed them. With Terri’s help, they were gone in 24 hours. How awesome is that!
Susan Roberts

Sam (13-year-old Golden Retriever) loves her “chats” with Terri–and so do Mike and I (Sam’s “mom and dad”). Sam gets such a peaceful, happy look on her face when she and Terri communicate, and we get great information on how Sam is feeling and what she needs. Terri really cares about Sam, and the feeling’s mutual–her communications are a gift and a blessing. All three of us wholeheartedly recommend Terri.
Laura Raines Cincinnati, OH

Cindy has helped us with our two dogs and horse. We started with specific questions about their health which gave us good information to work with our veterinarians. Cindy helped us understand our connections with our pets. She did significant energy healing with our horse. We rely on Cindy when we have a feeling that something is going on with one of our pets to talk with them and relay it to us. It makes us feel good to know that she is always there for us. She is patient, kind helpful and understanding. We have referred many of our friends to her.
Kari “KJ” Johl On-Air Personality, Z99.5/Indianapolis, IN

I’ve been a client of Cindy’s for several years. I was convinced of her abilities and skills from the first time we talked when, from just photographs and names, she spoke about and to my four cats as if she’d known them as long as I had. She was even aware of a medical issue in my oldest cat that was later confirmed by my vet. She’s assisted us through the years with countless emotional, behavioral and health matters. Her insight and knowledge has enhanced not only the lives of our furry family members but has also strengthened and deepened our relationships with each one of them.
Tony Stephansky

We have been working with Cindy Huff for a number of years. There is much about animal communication that I bluntly can’t explain and I am sure there are many folks out there who make some wild and false claims. That being said, when we were a foster home with Guardian Angel Basset Rescue, we were the home of last resort. We got the hounds that had tons of baggage or had been badly treated. Knowing what was on “their mind” was a key component to understanding and knowing how to help. Cindy is able to communicate with them and I have had her share health problems that there is no way we could have ever known about them had the hound not told someone. Case in point is our oldest basset Gus. He moved fine but we were having problems with him snapping at other dogs. Cindy communicated with him and he shared that his left hip hurt. We took him in to the vet had an xray done and sure enough significant arthritis in the hip socket. He was put on an anti-inflammatory and the behavior disappeared. This is just one of numerous examples and most of the examples I could give are even more specific and I am enough of a skeptic that this was not smoke and mirrors but a very specific response to a very specific query.
We also use Cindy when we come to those end of life times when we have a terminally ill hound. Knowing what they want is important. Sometimes the answer surprises you. My best buddy Woody who I lost just over a year ago to bladder cancer responded when we asked what he wanted us to do, that he wanted to just go to sleep at home and not wake up. Now that may sound like a canned answer unless you knew Woody. Although I was not able to comply with his request as he was failing and in pain, I was able to bring the vet to the house and he was able to go to sleep in his bed, surrounded by those who loved him. I miss him, but I have a peace that I neither hurried the situation nor waited too long.
We see Cindy as a key part to our ability to help those hounds that have issues that normal methods just don’t seem to work on. We tend to think like humans and sometimes it really helps to know what they are thinking and what their perspective is. Our youngest Basset Nate absolutely hates our oldest Basset Gus. The answer we got from Nate through Cindy was “he smells funny”. Not a whole lot to go on, but it made us realize that the challenges we were facing were not going to be fixed by traditional methods and that the easiest solution was to keep them away from each other in the house. We tried training, a DVM behaviorist and every thing we knew to do to defuse the tension between them, and at the end of the day, Gus smelled funny and for whatever reason that was highly offensive to Nate. Rather than fight it- we manage it.
I said earlier that there is much I don’t understand about the process and it causes me some difficulty philosophically at times. That being said, I also know what I have seen and heard and I cannot argue or debate the fact that there is something very real about it and that it has enabled us to work with hounds that probably would have been euthanized or warehoused other wise. We have one girl here- Gracie who came from a home where the children would pet her and then hit her. She equated a pet with the coming of pain. It took us 2 years to get her to the point where she would let us love on her. Cindy was a key element in our being able to work with her and to understand where she was at and how she was feeling. Fast forward to today and Gracie is one of the most loving and affectionate dogs you will ever meet. She is also 100% dedicated to this family and this house and her job in the pack is that of watchdog. She stays up at night while the rest of us sleep, she stays at the foot of the stairs making sure her family is safe, and there is nothing more that she wants other than to be loved on.
I absolutely recommend Cindy to anyone who is having challenges that seem to be beyond the ability of “normal” methods of resolution. From a cost standpoint she is not expensive and has done a lot of work with rescue groups. The first time you work with her, you will really wonder what you have gotten in to, but at the end of the day, it works.